2021 Rented Report Best Places to buy a Vacation Rental 2021

100 Best Markets To Buy A Vacation Rental Home In 2020

No one knew what to expect in 2021. Would the world (and the hospitality industry) go back to “normal”? Or would the aftermath of 2020 continue to cause disruptions?

The overall picture of 2021 is mixed. For markets that relied on air travel, urban markets, and international locations, COVID caused an indefinite dip in demand. And at the writing of this report, even as international travel bans are lifting, more people become vaccinated, and cities relax their restrictions, the future of these markets remains uncertain.

But other markets, including those within driving distance of major urban hubs, have seen huge surges in occupancy and ADR, especially at non-peak times as remote work and virtual schooling continued. (As of the writing and publishing of this report, children were back to school in person in many areas, however, the Omnicron variant has been increasing after discovery in late November, and it will be interesting to see how this latest change impacts the industry moving into 2022 and beyond.)

Who Is The 2021 Rented Report Designed For?

We focus on the top US markets and compare the cost of home ownership, short-term revenue potential, the cost to acquire property, and annual appreciation as well as projected changes in asset value.

This report is designed as an initial guide for those who are selling, buying, or currently own vacation homes. It can also provide value to anyone interested in a summary of the industry landscape, such as vacation rental managers, or supplies to the space.

How Was The Report Developed?

This report is designed as an initial guide for those who are selling, buying, or currently own vacation homes. It can also provide value to anyone interested in a summary of the industry landscape, such as vacation rental managers, or supplies to the space.

Rented and Weiss Analytics combined to add Real Estate forecasting and industry-specific analysis that allows this report to assess total cash-on-cash returns and identify opportunities. Contact for more details.

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